Zone Sales Director

Jerry Pegram

Military Service:Army (2005-2010) Army Reserve (2011-2013)

Highest Rank: Captain

Age: 31

MOS: Military Intelligence Officer (35 Delta)

Civilian Job: Zone Sales Director for Frito Lay, a division of PepsiCo

The Job

Pegram is responsible for top line ticket sales for Frito Lay frontline sales. He leads a team of 120+ employees in New Jersey.

About the Company

The PepsiCo job wasn’t Pegram’s first job offer. As a matter fact, he turned down a few first. “It’s about the company; they are a trusted name and a social-minded company. It was exactly the type of company I wanted to be a part of.”

Start the Search

“Start your job search at least a year out from separation,” Pegram says. “You have to really focus in on what you want to do in life and pursue it with relentless tenacity.”

Informational Interviews

Pegrams recommends “informational interviews” with people who can help you – that’s just a fancy way of saying network. “Find those who want to coach and mentor veterans in the civilian world and talk to them. They will most likely open their network to you along the way.”

Biggest Challenge?

“Rules of Engagement in the civilian world still is my biggest challenge,” says Pegram. “You have to hone your soft skills, like how to present your ideas and give corrective feedback. It’s a work in progress.”

For Fun

Hobbies? Basketball

Favorite sports team? Dallas Cowboys

Favorite movie? “Goodfellas”

Can’t live without? iPhone

What do you do to relax? Hang out with my wife.

Who would you like to have dinner with? President Abe Lincoln, Ghandi and President Barack Obama

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