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Bombs Away! Here are the 13 Worst Military Movies in Hollywood History


6. The Great Raid (2005)

Loss: $91 million

You know, this movie is also too good to be on this list. (Miramax)

This is the story of the Raid at Cabanatuan on the island of Luzon in the Philippines during WWII. General Roger Ebert praised the film, saying “Here is a war movie that understands how wars are actually fought.”

Of course, Ebert was never a general, he’s just referring to the realistic depiction of combat in the film. He also said, “it is good to have a film that is not about entertainment for action fans, but about how wars are won with great difficulty, risk, and cost.”

Bombs Away! Here are the 13 Worst Military Movies in Hollywood History
Article Name
Bombs Away! Here are the 13 Worst Military Movies in Hollywood History
Here are 13 military movies Hollywood probably wishes it could take back in order of the least to the worst offenders.
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G.I. Jobs
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