2. The Alamo (2004)
Donald Trump’s vision (Photo: Touchstone Pictures)
The marketing for this movie used the line “you will never forget.” And you won’t. You’ll remember how great this movie could have been if every character had been played by Billy Bob Thornton. “The Alamo” is number 2 on this list, but number 1 in terms of epic disappointment.
SummaryArticle NameBombs Away! Here are the 13 Worst Military Movies in Hollywood HistoryDescriptionHere are 13 military movies Hollywood probably wishes it could take back in order of the least to the worst offenders.Author
Blake Stilwell
Publisher Name
G.I. Jobs
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Article Name
Bombs Away! Here are the 13 Worst Military Movies in Hollywood History
Here are 13 military movies Hollywood probably wishes it could take back in order of the least to the worst offenders.
Blake Stilwell
Publisher Name
G.I. Jobs
Publisher Logo