G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Veteran Champion of the Year 2022: Tim Cochrane


These advocates work tirelessly to help veterans succeed in the civilian workplace. Get to know who they are, what they do, and how they advocate for the veteran community.

Tim Cocrane is the Vice President of Growth at HireMilitary/Tenova*. He was a Corporal (E-4) in the Marine Corps, 1981-1985.

*Tim was Senior Vice President for American Corporate Partners (ACP) when he was nominated. He continues to serve as a Senior Advisor for ACP.

Champion’s Reaction:

“I’m honored to be recognized for this work. I remember my transition from the Marines like it was yesterday, going on 20 interviews I had no business being on and being rejected every step of the way. To be able to help veterans and spouses translate their skills into meaningful employment in Corporate America after serving their nation brings me great joy!”

Champion’s Job Responsibilities:

 SVP of American Corporate Partners, a national nonprofit organization focused on helping returning veterans find their next career through one-on-one mentoring, networking and online career advice.

Why Cochrane was nominated for the Veteran Champions of the Year in Corporate America Award:

At ACP, Tim helps manage the relationships of over 100 Fortune 500 companies and added almost 50 companies in four years, nearly double the organization. Working daily with VSO’s, the DOL, the VA, SFL, MFL and numerous national organizations in the veteran’s space, Tim brought ACP’s mentorship program to tens of thousands of servicemen and woman and built ACP’s national presence through speaking engagements and interviews in media outlets to include Bloomberg Television, CBS, FOX, Cheddar, WABC Radio, numerous print and trade magazines, blogs and social media.