G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Veteran Champion of the Year 2022: Kenneth Dinkins


These advocates work tirelessly to help veterans succeed in the civilian workplace. Get to know who they are, what they do, and how they advocate for the veteran community.

Kenneth Dinkins is the Local Veterans Employment Representative at Georgia Department of Labor. He was a Master Sergeant (E-8) in the Army, 1977-2003.

Champion’s Reaction:

“Being nominated for this award by my peer is a great honor for recognizing the dedicated work and contribution within the veterans’ community. We are constantly seeking employment opportunities and leads to assist the Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Specialist and Employment Services staff at the Career Center to assist in getting veterans gainfully employed. We work collaboratively with companies, partner agencies and community-based organizations to enhance the quality of service to all veterans and eligible spouses within the workforce. Sharing knowledge and experience with the other metro Georgia Department of Labor-Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVERs) allows us to assist all veterans within the community we serve proudly.”

Champion’s Job Responsibilities:

Conducted outreach to employers and engaged in advocacy efforts with hiring executives to increase employment opportunities for veterans; encouraged the hiring of disabled veterans and assisted veterans to gain employment. Conducted seminars for employers and job search workshops for veterans seeking employment. Facilitated priority of service in regards to employment training and placement services furnished to veterans by all staff of the employment service delivery system. Coordinated and conducted veterans hiring events in the various communities and assisted employers with onsite recruitment events. Reviewed employment applications and evaluated work history, education and training qualifications of veteran candidates. Worked closely with DVOP specialist to meet the specific needs of veterans, particularly veterans with barriers to employment. Submitted a quarterly “Manager’s Report” on all Career Center activities for veterans and Vocational Rehab & Employment cases referred from the Office of Veterans Affairs.

Why Dinkins was nominated for the Veteran Champions of the Year in Corporate America Award:

Mr. Dinkins is an excellent mentor; since the first day of training he has been a helpful resource for veteran employer relationships. He carries years of experience with the Army that transfers very well to the DOL as his Local Veterans Employment Representative role. His recruitment style has allowed him to get nominated not once but twice for the American Legion Local Veteran Employment Representative of the Year. He also has won several veteran incentive awards for the state. He cares about the veterans he serve,s including the extra hours he put in during the pandemic to help those in their need.