G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Veteran Champion of the Year 2022: Josh Link


These advocates work tirelessly to help veterans succeed in the civilian workplace. Get to know who they are, what they do, and how they advocate for the veteran community.

Josh Link is a Senior Project Management Analyst at FedEx Express. He was a Staff Sergeant (E-6) in the Marine Corps, 2002-2016.

Champion’s Reaction:

“To be recognized as a champion for veterans has made all the hard work to recognize our veterans at FedEx Express worth it. Recognizing our veterans and working to bring in the next generation of talent is a passion for me as a veteran myself. There is nothing better than working with a veteran and getting that phone call that they have been hired! This award is not only for me but for every veteran at FedEx Express.”

Champion’s Job Responsibilities:

Veterans’ initiatives and recruitment, which include but are not limited to veteran recognition, DoD SkillBridge, ACP, HirePurpose, HireMilitary, Hiring our Heroes, Recruit Military, the Military Fellows Program and special project support for FedEx Express Human Resources in the US. This includes our intern program, referral program and executive reporting on all of the aforementioned programs.

Why Link was nominated for the Veteran Champions of the Year in Corporate America Award:

Increasing veterans recruitment and recognition has been not only a priority for Josh but also a passion. Josh led the charge for FY22 veterans recognition items that were sent out to over 10,000 FedEx veterans across the U.S. Josh set out to ensure that every veteran in FedEx received recognition for their military service. This included ensuring that every veteran knew they were appreciated by the executive leadership with receipt of a signed letter from the CEO. This initiative allowed us to showcase our veterans with FedEx. This not only raises their morale but also allows them to show off their swag items to friends and potential new employees. This initiative has also allowed FedEx to better market to potential veterans and transitioning military members as a Veteran Friendly company. Josh also heads up our Military Fellows Program that allows FedEx to have active duty service members work alongside our FedEx teammates. This unique training environment gives those service members selected a full look at how we conduct our business. During their time at FedEx those members will learn unique and cutting-edge ways to conduct business that they can take back to their respective services, and we at FedEx learn from those members as well. Josh also hosts an annual Global Logistics Operations Summit where he brings in 40 Marine Corps logisticians/supply personnel to give them a three-day behind the scenes look at our operation. Josh is looking to expand the seminar to include all service branches in the future. Josh leads our veterans and transitioning military recruitment efforts. Josh has worked with our vendor video team to create a recruitment video specific to transitioning military members, veterans, and military spouses. During 2021 Josh has helped us in recruiting top tier veteran talent at an increase of 17.1% compared to 2020. Josh has partnered with multiple veteran organizations to make this happen. Josh was a panelist on the INSPIRE – Building Up Your Mission Critical Veteran Hiring Program speaking about the programs in place at FedEx for recruitment, retention and recognition. Josh is our POC for the DoD SkillBridge Program. We currently have two members that are participating and plans to grow the program to nationwide in 2022. Josh ensured that FedEx was partnered with American Corporate Partners to provide executive level mentorship to the post-9/11 veterans. Josh continues to work with veterans on their resume writing and interview skills in his off hours. I can’t emphasize the passion that Josh has for our nation’s veterans. As a Marine Corp veteran and military spouse, he lives his life to give back to those who have donned the uniform both in his professional job and personal life. I can think of no one more deserving to be selected as a Veteran Champion of the Year for Corporate America.