
Baker College

With 80+ degree programs available, including specialized programs through The Culinary Institute of Michigan and The Auto/Diesel Institute of Michigan, Baker College prides itself on providing students with a transformational educational experience that gives them the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

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Service to Surgery: A Veteran’s Career Journey

From working as a Coast Guard first responder to studying to become a surgical technologist in the operating room, Brandon Keagle is passionate about serving communities and getting people the care they need.

Baker College Stats

91 students

Veteran Enrollment


Total Benefits Disbursed


Undergraduate Tuition

2022 – 2023 Figures

Why We Value Veterans

We recognize the unique skills, discipline, and leadership qualities veterans bring to the academic environment, enriching our community and contributing to a diverse and dynamic learning experience. Baker College values our veterans and their service, and we’re dedicated to aiding them as they transition from service with high-quality education and support to help them advance their careers.

What We Offer

Veterans and Active Duty Military

• Approved for Veteran Benefits
• Signed VA “Principles of Excellence”
• Federal Financial Aid Shopping Sheet
• Approved for Armed Forces Tuition Assistance (TA Funding)
• Signed DoD Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
• Participates in Yellow Ribbon
• Participates in Michigan National Guard State Tuition Assistance (MINGSTAP)
• Offers Active Duty Military students a Military rate of $250 a credit hour
• Baker College in Owosso has a Student Veteran Lounge

Military Spouses and Dependants

• Approved for training under ch35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Benefits
• Approved for ch33 Post 9/11 GI Bill Transfer of Eligibility benefits
• Approved for Marine Gunnery SGT John David Fry Scholarship
• Offers spouses of Active Duty Military a Military rate of $250 a credit hour
• Baker College in Owosso has a Student Veteran Lounge
• Signed VA “Principles of Excellence”
• Federal Financial Aid Shopping Sheet
• Signed DoD Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
• Participates in Yellow Ribbon

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