8.) “You don’t look like a veteran.”
Just like the “lumping all veterans in one box” comment, this one implies that there’s this singular build for all troops. Well, there are skinny troops, there are fat troops, and there are muscular troops. There are troops of every race, religion, and creed. It’s the uniform and hair-cut standards that make us all alike.
But as bad is this one is for most troops, it’s almost always flung at our sisters-in-arms. Even though women make up 17 percent of the U.S. Armed Forces, male civilians tend to act shocked when they learn that a female served. It’s belittling.
Just keep in mind that if you mess with one of our sisters, she was trained to shoot at targets at a max effective range of 300 meters.
Article Name
9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College
Many civilians who went straight to college have their first interactions with a veteran there, but not all civilians approach veterans with the best greetings.
Eric Milzarski
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G.I. Jobs
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