G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   December 19

Virtual Job Fair   |   Dec 19

9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College


6.) “You’re not one of those crazy vets who’ll snap at any moment, right?”

Here’s a piece of news for you: If you compare the veteran population average to the civilian average in terms of homicides and other violent crimes, veterans are actually less likely to commit such acts.

In fact, veterans with combat experience who have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress are, once again, far less likely to commit violent crime than the average civilian. So, no, I’m not going to snap — are you?

Also, if you really want to get specific, a large percentage of the prolific killers who were in the service were kicked out before even serving a single enlistment. So…

9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College
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9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College
Many civilians who went straight to college have their first interactions with a veteran there, but not all civilians approach veterans with the best greetings.
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G.I. Jobs
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