3.) “So, like, did you see some bad stuff over there?”
Ranger Up hit this one on the head perfectly. No veteran wants to talk about that kind of thing with some random stranger they just met. Either they didn’t and harbor some guilt over the fact that they didn’t share the same burden as many of their brothers, they’re dealing with very real, resulting stress in a highly personal manner, or they’re going to overload the curious civilian with the grim details they actually don’t want.
After months of friendship, a veteran might be willing to open up about what happened out there — probably over a beer or seven — but never when it’s said in a half-joking manner.
The sad truth is that most veterans will keep their demons to themselves. Some random d*ckhead isn’t going to suddenly change that.
Article Name
9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College
Many civilians who went straight to college have their first interactions with a veteran there, but not all civilians approach veterans with the best greetings.
Eric Milzarski
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G.I. Jobs
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