G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   December 19

Virtual Job Fair   |   Dec 19

9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College


2.) “Why are you going for X degree and not something in security?”

The great thing about the GI Bill is that it can be applied for any college degree course. If the veteran wants to get out and follow their childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian, an artist, or whatever — more power to them. They earned that right by serving their country.

Bringing up the fact that they’re going to be making far less money by doing what they love as opposed to doing what they did in the military all over again isn’t going to make that realization any easier.

Not everyone can get their dream job — but vets with the GI Bill are given a chance, and you’re damn right they’re going to try.

9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College
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9 Most Irritating Things Vets Hear When They Head Off to College
Many civilians who went straight to college have their first interactions with a veteran there, but not all civilians approach veterans with the best greetings.
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G.I. Jobs
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