G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Don’t Let Yourself Become an Obsolete Worker


It can be hard to find a job, especially a job you like. But if you are fortunate to be able to go to work every day and enjoy what you do, you’ll want to make sure you don’t become an obsolete worker. Here are five tips to help keep you looking favorable to your boss (luckily, you’ve already developed these traits through your military training):

Work hard

This may go without saying, but it is probably one of the most important tips to keeping you in favor with your boss. Working hard at your job will send the message to your supervisor and co-workers that you are a solid addition to the team. Ronald Riggio, in an article “Cutting Edge Leadership” published in Psychology Today, talks of how “nothing is more valuable than an employee who can be counted on to get the job done, meet the deadline, or carry his/her own weight.”

Have integrity

Having integrity is a key component to proving yourself not only to your boss, but to your co-workers as well. Tell the truth and own up to mistakes when you make them. Be considerate of other employees and don’t spend your time by the vending machine talking trash about other co-workers. This will win you big points with those on your team.

Be willing to help out

Be willing to lend an extra hand to a co-worker on a tight deadline or to your boss on a big project. You don’t need to take over someone else’s entire workload, but offering support and assistance will go really far with those around you.

Riggio goes on to say that “building strong relationships with bosses, colleagues, and those you supervise is essential for getting work done, but good interpersonal relationships are also important because others can help get you ahead, point out opportunities, and make connections that will help your career move forward.” So not only will helping out make you a solid employee, but you never know when it could help move your career to the next level with the networking opportunities it presents.

Seek out development and growth

Find ways at work to let your supervisor know you want to continue to grow and develop as an employee. Are there a few additional responsibilities you could take over to help ease your boss’ workload? Is there a workshop or training opportunity you could attend to sharpen your skills? Is there an opportunity for you to spearhead a project?

Finding ways to show you want to broaden your skill set can only show your boss you are a committed employee. Riggio states it best when he says “employees who view the score of their job very narrowly, or who do the minimum, simply won’t get ahead.”

Be open to criticism

Be open to feedback and constructive criticism, whether it is from your supervisor or other co-workers. Allowing yourself to hear the feedback and learn from it will only help you become a stronger employee.


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