G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Don’t Get Stuck in a Career Rut

Career Rut

If you wake up every morning dreading your job, chances are good that you’re stuck in a career rut. Career ruts are like a rip tide: easy to swim into but difficult to swim out of.

Whether or not you started your job and just got swept away or your current position with your dream job became stagnate, don’t despair – there is a light at the end of the tunnel. If you are unable to go through one door, look for another door and go through that one. If another door does not exist, then make one! There is no need to waste time feeling unmotivated, unhappy or just plain bored, so get to work now on improving your career and get a job that you are passionate about.

Step 1: What’s the Problem?

OK, you don’t like your job. Why?  Look at what is causing your dissatisfaction. Do you have too much time on your hands or too little? Is your commute to work too long? You might be stuck in a position that you are just not passionate about. Whatever the problem is, it is important to be as honest as possible and specific. Once you have identified what is causing the problem, start spending time at the end of each day jotting down the things you don’t like. This will help you narrow down the things to look for and what to avoid when you make your next move.

Step 2: Do your Homework

This may take some time as you start to figure out what jobs are available to you and what potential career path you want to take. The goal here is to identify jobs that capitalize on the things you do like about your current job and avoid the things you don’t.  It’s OK to think outside the box here and explore some ideas that might be a big departure from your current job.

Step 3: Create a Plan

Once you discover what it is that you want, start mapping out a plan to make it happen. Take some time to think about this and evaluate your current skills. Determine exactly what you are going to need to achieve your goal. You may need additional skills an updated resume and LinkedIn profile. Everyone’s game plan will be different, but the point is that every goal is achievable – even the big ones – if you break down the tasks into small, manageable bites.

Step 4: Make it Happen

Break out your calendar and start scheduling those things you identified in step three. Track your accomplishments and stay focused on what you need to complete. It might seem a little silly to write down on your calendar what you need to accomplish, but it will keep you accountable for achieving your goals. Getting this done may take some time depending on what you identified in step three, so be realistic by making manageable goals depending on how much free time you have. Keeping a picture of your goal nearby will help to keep you motivated and focused on what you are trying to accomplish.

If you do this, give yourself a pat on the back because you have done what some people never accomplish by putting yourself on the path to a career that is right for you.


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