G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   December 19

Virtual Job Fair   |   Dec 19

5 Unique Careers Most Veterans Haven’t Considered

careers most veterans havent considered


If you thought forensic entomology was fun, just wait until I tell you about paleoscatology. You see, historians and paleontologists are always clamoring to know more about the past, how people and animals lived, and what kind of health they were in.

The thing is, you can’t really ask them, and fossilized restaurant menus are rare indeed, so sometimes they need to call in an expert to study the coprolites found at archeological digs.

What are coprolites? It’s poop. Fossilized poop. Yes, there are highly respected, very serious scientists whose job it is to reveal to the world exactly what kind of diet Viking raiders ate and exactly how many digestive parasites they were afflicted with.

(For the curious, the answer seems to be “a lot”). Again, this job might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for people who love the nitty-gritty of history and aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty, paleoscatologist could be a dream job.