G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Bellevue University Success Profile – Les Davis

Les Davis


Les Davis

Les Davis

Bellevue University

Program Type/Area of Study: BA – Business, MA – Leadership

What prompted you to return to school?

I knew I had at least two years left to finish my bachelor’s degree and to enhance my career, increase job and career opportunities.

What military education benefits, such as the GI Bill, did you use?

G.I. Bill; My G.I. Bill Chapter 30 covers everything except for books.

What has your experience been like as a student?

Bellevue University accepted all of my military credits which allowed me to complete my Bachelor’s degree in two years. My college advisor and professors taught me how to capitalize on newly discovered strengths through positive encouragement, continual guidance, and constructive feedback. I have learned to strive for excellence, not perfection.

What challenges did you have adjusting to campus culture after military life?

I’m actually Active Guard Reserve with the Guam Army National Guard. I can admit that attending school while in the military has its fair challenges as far as time management is concerned and the understanding or agreement that you have with your supervisors. Time management plays a major role while you are in the military; however, if you can manage your time right without any interruptions from your supervisor it will be less stressful.

Do you believe your military experience has made you a better student?

My military experience gave me the discipline I needed to go back to school and complete my degrees. I finished high in my class in my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree programs due to the work ethic the military taught me. There little doubt in my mind that I could have done this prior to joining the Army.

What advice do you have for veterans returning to school?

My advice to all veterans is network with staff members at your college such as your academic advisor, veteran services staff and military outreach staff because they are always there to assist you in any way that they can. If you are a new student, my advice is to seek assistance from those with military knowledge so they can better assist you to achieve your education goals.

Additional comments:

The Military Outreach Program at Bellevue University provided me with so much information including converting military courses to college credits and career relevant degrees. The wonderful thing about this program is that they are prior service members and are always willing to assist any veteran. I commend the staff for providing their assistance to all our veterans.
For questions pertaining to your VA benefits, the Bellevue University Veteran Service staff are there to assist you. Since, I started using my VA benefits they assist me on my benefits. I commend them for all the assistance that she provided me to achieve my education goals.


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