REGION | BAH | Nearby region with lower COL |
San Francisco, CA | $3369 | Oakland, CA |
New York City, NY | $3258 | Northern NJ |
Boston, MA | $2817 | Roslindale, MA; Jamaica Plain, MA |
Honolulu, HI | $2709 | Wahiawa |
Juneau, AK | $2532 | Juneau is cheaper than surrounding areas |
New Haven, CT | $2532 | Hamden, CT |
Washington, D.C. | $2175 | Falls Church, VA |
Make sure to utilize our pay calculator for a breakdown of your pay and to see how much you need to make in the civilian sector to equate to your military salary. It will even break down your active duty BAH. MHA is just one factor to consider when choosing a school, but by eliminating financial concerns you will be able to focus more directly on academics.
With that, let us help you find the perfect school for you, check out our list of Schools for Veterans!
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