Account Coordinator

Angela E. Duran, Account Coordinator, CSX

Military Service: Lieutenant Junior Grade, Navy (1997-2012)

Designator: Information Systems Officer


What do you do?

I Joined CSX under the Management Trainee Program. I am an account manager at our Customer Service/Network Operations Department. I provide support to our customers in the management of our train network and the systems that support these functions.

How’d you get that job?

After extensive research on the job market in Jacksonville, Fla., I decided I wanted to work for CSX. I met a CSX recruiter at a job fair in Kings Bay, Ga. He spent a lot of time explaining how to fill out my application online and described how I could translate my military experience into the requirements for the management trainee position.

What was the biggest challenge during your transition?

Not understanding how my military career translated to a civilian job. A lot of companies seek specific experience in systems that are not exactly what we do in the military. It is our job to make them understand we have the ability to learn rapidly and to adjust so we increase our scope of opportunities.

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