G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

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At GI Jobs, we’ve walked in our brothers’ and sisters’ boots. We know the anxiety of moving from a world of structure and discipline to one that seemingly runs on utter chaos is unnerving at best. Because of our commitment to connecting veterans with opportunity, we remain tenacious in developing the products and services that propel our audience forward. We excel at this for 2 reasons:

Each person on our team is committed to doing our best work for those we serve. We aren’t a mealy-mouthed bunch who play at helping veterans. Each of us knows the value of evaluating data, pulling together and driving true value through. We do this thorugh the development of innovative scaled solutions that are personalized to fit the differing needs of our audience.

Our CEO served in the Navy for 9 years and is the reason we exist. He knows first-hand how difficult the journey from military to civilian can be and he set out to help those that followed make the transition. 20 years later, our products and services have helped countless veterans. And, we’re just getting started.

Our teams are staffed with veterans and military spouses. So, we always have fresh perspective at all levels on what it means to be in the military.  As the military continually evolves, this combination of fresh perspective and extensive civilian-bridging experience is why we continue to be the experts in the space of helping veterans achieve success.