G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

4 Vital Questions YOU Need to Ask During a Job Interview

Job Interview Questions

3.) How Do You Measure Success in This Position? What are the Goals?


A man points at a graph on a spreadsheet


It is important to know how the work you will be doing will be judged or measured. You may be under the impression that your measurable is something you are familiar with, when in reality it is something you don’t have any experience in. You will also find out what they value about the position you will be taking.

In addition to asking what the measures for success are, it is important to ask what the goals for the position are. If the goals are going to be lofty or may be out of reach based on your experience, it’s best to know that going in, for both sides. That doesn’t mean you should be afraid of lofty goals, but you should know where the company expects production to be.

4.) What Style of Leadership Will I Be Working Under?


A woman talks to co-workers on a couch


This is another one of my favorites. Everybody reacts differently to different styles of leadership. For example, one person may enjoy having somebody who is more of a one-on-one supervisor; constantly checking in on their progress and making sure they have their tasks completed. On the other hand, some people work better in more of a hands-off leadership environment.

The wrong kind of leadership can negatively impact our production and our general mood and outlook for our jobs. While it is important to still be able to perform under leadership that may not suit you, you will want to know what to expect from your supervisor before heading into the position.

Now take these tips with you to the G.I. Jobs Virtual Career Expo, where you can chat one-on-one with recruiters looking to hire veterans. Registration is free, but seats are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot at the link below today!

G.I. Jobs Virtual Career Expo


This article has been modified to meet updated editorial standards at G.I. Jobs, which may include the augmentation of material that reflects the expertise and experiences of our staff. 



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4 Vital Questions YOU Need to Ask During a Job Interview
Article Name
4 Vital Questions YOU Need to Ask During a Job Interview
Knowing how to answer job interview questions is an important part of landing a job. But the questions you ask are also important. Here are 4 great questions to ask at a job interview.
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G.I. Jobs
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