G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

21 Photos of US Military Legends with Their Hands in Their Pockets


There’s one rule that every branch knows of: keep your hands out of your pockets while you’re in uniform.

And yet, here we are. Every branch of the military’s historical leadership has been caught on camera casually chilling with their hands in their pockets.

Makes one wonder when putting your hands in your pockets became unprofessional…

1. General Curtis LeMay

21 photos of US military legends with their hands in their pockets
I don’t think the guy who firebombed Tokyo cares much about rules like that.

21 Photos of US Military Legends with Their Hands in Their Pockets
Article Name
21 Photos of US Military Legends with Their Hands in Their Pockets
There’s one rule that every branch knows of: keep your hands out of your pockets while you’re in uniform.
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G.I. Jobs
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