G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans 2020

Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans

6.) Computer Systems Analyst

Hot Jobs for Veterans - Computer Systems Analyst


What They Do: You’ll be responsible for the technologies used and built by your company, including IT systems, consulting with clients and finding opportunities for the implementation of new technology. You will test systems and train employees, with an eye toward cost-efficiency and functionality.

Hot Jobs Titles:

Median Annual Salary: $88,733*

Why It’s Hot: The BLS projects 9% job growth through 2028.

What You’ll Need: You will most likely need a bachelor’s degree in a computer-related field, with experience building and using systems relevant to your company.


Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans 2020
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Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans 2020
Not sure where to start in your job search? Sometimes you just need a little inspiration, and we’ve got you covered with the 2020 Top 25 Jobs for Veterans!
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G.I. Jobs
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