G.I. Jobs Virtual Job Fair   |   March 27

Virtual Job Fair   |   Mar 27

Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans 2020

Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans

5.) Software Applications Developer

Hot Jobs for Veterans - Web Application Developer


What They Do: As an app developer, you will design and build applications to meet specific needs for your company and clients. With an in-depth understanding of programming, your applications will make processes more efficient, offering software solutions to complex business needs. 

Hot Jobs Titles:

Median Annual Salary: $103,626*

Why It’s Hot: The BLS projects 25% job growth through 2028.

What You’ll Need: You will most likely need a bachelor’s degree in a programming or developer-related field, though skills can be gained through real-world experience or bootcamps.


Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans 2020
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Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans 2020
Not sure where to start in your job search? Sometimes you just need a little inspiration, and we’ve got you covered with the 2020 Top 25 Jobs for Veterans!
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G.I. Jobs
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