18. First-line Supervisor:
Construction & Trade Workers
What They Do: Dropping a spot to #18 this year, they still supervise construction or extraction workers. This includes workers in residential and commercial construction, bridge and utility construction, chemical manufacturing, and oil and gas extraction.
Hot Job Titles:
- Construction Foreman
- Construction Superintendent
- Construction Supervisor
- Field Supervisor
- Foreman
- Job Superintendent
- Project Superintendent
- Site Superintendent
- Superintendent
- Supervisor
Median Annual Salary: $62,980*
Why It’s Hot: The BLS projects 10-14% job growth through 2026.
What You’ll Need: A growing number of colleges and universities offer programs in construction management. However, the BLS shows that 39% of those employed in this occupation have a high school diploma, and 33% have some college but no degree. They likely learned through apprenticeships, on-the-job training and experience.
Article Name
Top 25 Hot Jobs for Veterans 2018
DescriptionWe have compiled the 2018 Hot Jobs for Veterans, the top 10 jobs Military Friendly Employers say they are hiring veterans for. See the list here and learn more about these hot jobs for veterans!
Dan Fazio
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G.I. Jobs
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